Source code for cmdkit.ansi

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 CmdKit Developers
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""ANSI color codes and methods."""

# type annotations
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable

# standard libs
import os
import re
import sys
import functools
from enum import Enum

# public interface
__all__ = ['NO_COLOR', 'FORCE_COLOR', 'COLOR_STDOUT', 'COLOR_STDERR', 'Ansi', 'format_ansi',
           'bold', 'faint', 'italic', 'underline',
           'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white',
           'colorize_usage', ]

# Enable/disable colors if necessary
NO_COLOR = False if not os.getenv('NO_COLOR') else True
FORCE_COLOR = False if not os.getenv('FORCE_COLOR') else True

if not sys.stdout.isatty() or NO_COLOR:
    COLOR_STDOUT = False
if not sys.stderr.isatty() or NO_COLOR:
    COLOR_STDERR = False

[docs] class Ansi(Enum): """Classic `ANSI` escape sequences for colors.""" NULL = '' RESET = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' FAINT = '\033[2m' ITALIC = '\033[3m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' BLACK = '\033[30m' RED = '\033[31m' GREEN = '\033[32m' YELLOW = '\033[33m' BLUE = '\033[34m' MAGENTA = '\033[35m' CYAN = '\033[36m' WHITE = '\033[37m'
[docs] def format_ansi(seq: Ansi, text: str) -> str: """ Apply escape sequence with reset afterward, if necessary. If `stdout` is not a `TTY` or :data:`NO_COLOR` is set, there is no effect on `text`. If :data:`FORCE_COLOR` is set, formatting will be applied regardless. """ if not COLOR_STDOUT: return text elif text.endswith(Ansi.RESET.value): return f'{seq.value}{text}' else: return f'{seq.value}{text}{Ansi.RESET.value}'
# shorthand formatting methods bold = functools.partial(format_ansi, Ansi.BOLD) faint = functools.partial(format_ansi, Ansi.FAINT) italic = functools.partial(format_ansi, Ansi.ITALIC) underline = functools.partial(format_ansi, Ansi.UNDERLINE) black = functools.partial(format_ansi, Ansi.BLACK) red = functools.partial(format_ansi, Ansi.RED) green = functools.partial(format_ansi, Ansi.GREEN) yellow = functools.partial(format_ansi, Ansi.YELLOW) blue = functools.partial(format_ansi, Ansi.BLUE) magenta = functools.partial(format_ansi, Ansi.MAGENTA) cyan = functools.partial(format_ansi, Ansi.CYAN) white = functools.partial(format_ansi, Ansi.WHITE)
[docs] def colorize_usage(text: str) -> str: """ Apply rich :class:`Ansi` formatting to usage and help text. This function operates like a syntax highlighter for usage and help text. If `stdout` is not a `TTY` or :data:`NO_COLOR` is set, there is no effect on `text`. If :data:`FORCE_COLOR` is set, formatting will be applied regardless. """ if not COLOR_STDOUT: # NOTE: usage is on stdout not stderr return text else: return _apply_formatters(text, _format_headers, _format_options, _format_special_device, _format_special_metavars, _format_special_reserved_names, _format_single_quoted_string, _format_double_quoted_string, _format_backtick_string, _format_digit, )
def _apply_formatters(text: str, *formatters: Callable[[str], str]) -> str: """Apply all text `formatters`.""" if formatters: return formatters[0](_apply_formatters(text, *formatters[1:])) else: return text # Look-around pattern to negate matches within quotation marks # Whole quotations are formatted together NOT_QUOTED = ( r'(?=([^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*$)' + r"(?=([^']*'[^']*')*[^']*$)" + r'(?=([^`]*`[^`]*`)*[^`]*$)' ) def _format_headers(text: str) -> str: """Add rich ANSI formatting to section headers.""" return re.sub(r'^(?P<name>[A-Z][a-z]+):' + NOT_QUOTED, bold(r'\g<name>:'), text, flags=re.MULTILINE) def _format_options(text: str) -> str: """Add rich ANSI formatting to option syntax.""" option_pattern = r'(?P<leader>[ /\[,])(?P<option>-[a-zA-Z]+|--[a-z]+(-[a-z]+)?)\b' return re.sub(option_pattern + NOT_QUOTED, r'\g<leader>' + cyan(r'\g<option>'), text) def _format_special_metavars(text: str) -> str: """Add rich ANSI formatting to special argument syntax.""" metavars_pattern = r'(?<!-)\b(?P<arg>[A-Z]{2,})\b' return re.sub(metavars_pattern + NOT_QUOTED, italic(r'\g<arg>'), text) def _format_special_device(text: str) -> str: """Add rich ANSI formatting to special device/resource names (e.g., '<stdout>').""" return re.sub(r'(?P<arg><[a-z]{3,}>)' + NOT_QUOTED, italic(r'\g<arg>'), text) def _format_special_reserved_names(text: str) -> str: """Special reserved names (e.g., localhost).""" names = ['localhost', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr', ] names_pattern = r'(?<!-)\b(?P<name>' + '|'.join(names) + r')\b' return re.sub(names_pattern + NOT_QUOTED, italic(r'\g<name>'), text) def _format_single_quoted_string(text: str) -> str: """Add rich ANSI formatting to quoted strings.""" return re.sub(r"'(?P<subtext>.*)'", yellow(r"'\g<subtext>'"), text) def _format_double_quoted_string(text: str) -> str: """Add rich ANSI formatting to quoted strings.""" return re.sub(r'"(?P<subtext>.*)"', yellow(r'"\g<subtext>"'), text) def _format_backtick_string(text: str) -> str: """Add rich ANSI formatting to quoted strings.""" return re.sub(r'`(?P<subtext>.*)`', yellow(r'`\g<subtext>`'), text) def _format_digit(text: str) -> str: """Add rich ANSI formatting to numerical digits.""" return re.sub(r'\b(?P<num>\d+\.?[kmgtKMGT]?[bB]?|null|NULL)\b' + NOT_QUOTED, green(r'\g<num>'), text)