:mod:`cmdkit.cli` ================== .. module:: cmdkit.cli :platform: Unix, Windows ------------------- Reference --------- | .. autoclass:: Interface :show-inheritance: | .. seealso:: The :mod:`argparse` module from the standard library, specifically the :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` class for the API. The :class:`Interface` class simply modifies the behavior of :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` to not exit but instead raise exceptions, as well as disable the auto-documentation aspect for `usage` and `help` statements. | .. note:: The following exceptions allow the :class:`~cmdkit.app.Application` class to catch events and handle them instead of the default behavior in :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` to print and call :func:`~sys.exit`. | .. autoclass:: HelpOption :show-inheritance: | .. autoclass:: VersionOption :show-inheritance: | .. autoclass:: ArgumentError :show-inheritance: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3