CmdKit ====== Release v\ |release|. (:ref:`Tutorial `) .. image:: :target: :alt: License .. image:: :target: :alt: PyPI Version .. image:: :target: :alt: Python Versions .. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation .. image:: :target: :alt: Tests .. image:: :target: :alt: Downloads | The *cmdkit* library implements a few common patterns needed by well-formed command-line applications in Python. It only touches a few concepts but it implements them well. The idea is to reduce the boilerplate needed to get a full featured CLI off the ground. Applications developed using *cmdkit* are easy to implement, easy to maintain, and easy to understand. ------------------- Features -------- | An :class:`` class provides the boilerplate for a good entry-point. Building your command-line application in layers with :class:`` let's you develop simple structures and modules that mirror your CLI. An :class:`~cmdkit.cli.Interface` class modifies the behavior of the standard :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` class to raise simple exceptions instead of exiting. .. code-block:: python class Add(Application): """Application class for simple adding program.""" interface = Interface('add', USAGE_TEXT, HELP_TEXT) interface.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='0.0.1') lhs: float rhs: float interface.add_argument('lhs', type=float) interface.add_argument('rhs', type=float) def run(self) -> None: """Business logic of the application.""" print(self.lhs + self.rhs) | A :class:`~cmdkit.config.Configuration` class makes it basically a one-liner to pull in a configuration with a dictionary-like interface from a cascade of files as well as expanding environment variables into a hierarchy and merged. The standard behavior for any `good` application is for a configuration to allow for system-level, user-level, and local configuration to overlap. Merging these should not clobber the same section in a lower-priority source. The :class:`~cmdkit.config.Namespace` class extends the behavior of a standard Python `dict` to have a depth-first merge for its `update` implementation. .. code-block:: python config = Configuration.from_local(env=True, prefix='MYAPP', default=default, **paths) The underlying :class:`~cmdkit.config.Namespace` also supports the convention of having parameters with ``_env`` and ``_eval`` automatically expanded. .. code-block:: toml :caption: ~/.myapp/config.toml [database] password_eval = "gpg ..." Accessing the parameter with dot-notation, i.e., ``config.database.password`` would execute ``"gpg ..."`` as a shell command and return the output. | ------------------- Installation ------------ *CmdKit* is tested on Python 3.7+ for `Windows`, `macOS`, and `Linux`, and can be installed from the `Python Package Index` using `Pip`. :: $ pip install cmdkit | ------------------- Getting Started --------------- Checkout the :ref:`Tutorial ` for examples. You can also checkout how `CmdKit` is being used by other projects. ======================================================== ======================================================= Project Description ======================================================== ======================================================= `REFITT `_ Recommender Engine for Intelligent Transient Tracking `hyper-shell `_ Hyper-shell is an elegant, cross-platform, high-performance computing utility for processing shell commands over a distributed, asynchronous queue. `delete-cli `_ A simple, cross-platform, command-line move-to-trash. ======================================================== ======================================================= ------------------- | **Table of Contents** .. toctree:: api/index tutorial/index blog/index contributing license